Our commitment is to cultivate safe spaces of collective care among Latinx immigrant women to awaken the true power of each one of us to challenge the isolation and fear that prevent us from living in love and security.
- We support women’s leadership through popular education methods, support networks, accompaniment groups, and trainings.
- We believe that issues of reproductive justice as well as racial and gender equity are central to our self-determination.
- We believe in a world where every woman, regardless of immigration status, class, language, or religion, has access to medical care, shelter, and emotional support to thrive.
- We support the 7 cooperative principles as a form of collective subsistence based on collaboration, solidarity and self-management of sustainable economies and with a gender perspective. For the same reason, we believe that domestic work should be recognized as a fundamental part of our economies.
- We believe that our feminist struggle has to be an anti-racist, anti-colonial and anti-capitalist struggle. These points of unity are not negotiable.
- We adopt a horizontal structure to be a sustainable project in its different dimensions: emotional sustainability, task sustainability, economic sustainability.
Comadre Luna sustains itself from self-managed activities, individual contributions, and sponsorships from foundations that align with our mission and vision. We appreciate the support of all our sustainers, founders and allies.
Thanks to our funders:
- Independence Public Media Foundation
- Bread and Roses Fundation
- Philadelphia COVID-19 Community Information Fund created by The Independence Public Media Foundation (IPMF), The Lenfest Institute for Journalism, The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, y The Knight-Lenfest Local News Transformation Fund (Knight-Lenfest).
- Third Wafe Fund
- The Philadelphia Maternal and Infant Community Action Network
Thanks to our allies:
Interested in adding your organization to the list? Contact us at hola@comadreluna.org